Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Character #2

Discuss one character.  What are his/her positive character attributes?  What drives that character?  Answer this is 100 words.  Use one example from the work that works to prove your thoughts. The next will be about symbolism. Due Wednesday @ 11:59.


  1. I believe O'Connor from The Glass Menagerie is a character with many positive attributes. No matter what goes wrong in his life he is always optimistic. When he is talking to Laura after dinner he says he thinks he should have a better job than the one he has at the factory but that he still has hope for himself. He also is very kind to Laura despite her shyness and awkwardness. She faints at the sight of him and he does not mock her for that. I think O'Connor is a great example of a character with positive attributes.

  2. Beatrice in Dante's Inferno is a very positive character. Her passion for Dante was shown through her asking for Virgil to aid him through hell. And the reader can tell through Dante's love for her she is a super positive character in the story. I believe the writer meant to keep her role limited to just keep those positive thoughts on her. And she can be viewed as a representation of spiritual love that doesn't end. I believe she is the reason that Dante continues through hell with out ever giving up.

  3. The mother in The Glass Menagerie has many positive attributes. Such as she's very friendly, protective, and caring. The most important thing to her is Laura, and her finding a caller so that she doesn't have to worry about Tom leaving her and Laura. While the mom is very annoying you do realize is that the most important thing to her is Laura. Also you realize back then that a woman being shy like Laura is very strange so her mothers friendliness is a good thing back at the time that this take place. All she every wants to do is entertain people, and make them happy.

  4. The physically as well as emotionally damaged Laura is the only character in the Glass Menagerie who never does anything to hurt anyone else. She has problems of her own, but she displays a sincere attitude of compassion and a certain shy sweetness about her. One example from the book is the tears she sheds over Tom’s unhappiness, described by Amanda in the parlor. This is a rather important scene because through the whole book either Tom is dreaming about his own freedom or Amanda is making her children relive her glory days as a southern bell through her stories; yet Laura never seems to think of herself at all. I believe she develops this drive to appease her family out of her fear that if she does not one would leave her which was unbearable for her to think about. Both Tom and Amanda are characters who drastically contrast to Laura’s personality of selflessness.

  5. I believe that Tom's character from The Glass Menagerie has many positive attributes. Despite his rather admirable love for adventure, he has dedicated himself to his family, an act of sacrifice. He works day in and day out, all for the betterment of his mother and sister. Tom also shares an admirable love for his sister. More than anything, Tom's love for his family and love for adventure are what drives his character. His love for his family is what has kept him tied to them for so long, and it is his love for adventure that causes him to be ambitious and look to the future. A good example of this is when he consistently says he will be going to the movies.

  6. Tom in the "Glass Menagerie" has a couple positive characteristics, but not many. One positive characteristic he has is the want to help his sister. It may not seem like he wants to stay but he wants to help his sister just not his mother.
    The force that drives him is his want to do his own things. Even if it seems like he wants to only do things he wants to he just wants to have a little freedom.

  7. Mr O'Conner from The Glass Menagerie has many positive traits. He is always optimist and polite, being kind to Amanda no matter what she does. He is considerate of other, such as when he smokes. He is nice to Laura and signs her old program for her and dances with her and tells her he never thought she was so different. Some of his negative traits would be that he kissed Larua despite being engaged and encourages Tom to leave his family. That is something he did that was both good and bad, because he was encouraging him to follow his dreams.

  8. O'Conner from the Glass Menagerie is a very positive person. He is devoted to achieving professional goals and personally successes. He has taking a job as a shipping clerk at the warehouse. Tom invited his best friend O'Conner to dinner hoping that he would like Laura. He sees her not as a cripple but as a student from high school and thinks she is very attractive. O'Conner enjoys dinner with Amanda and Tom although Laura did not eat because she was embarrassed about her frail conditions. O'Conner and Laura finally talks and kiss. His moral character causes him to tell Laura and the family that he is engaged to be marry.

  9. Mr. O'Conner is a great example of a character with positive attributes. His optimistic view on the world and the opportunities it holds is admirable. It shows in his description to Laura about life outside of her home. He informs her of the wonderful people and places, and seems to get excited just thinking about it. His positive outlook rubs off on Laura, making her eager to experience these things for herself. I feel his drive is to be able to drink in all the amazing features he can and live life to the fullest extent. It's almost uncommon nowadays to find someone with such optimism.

  10. Tom from the Glass Menagerie has some positive attributes. He is a grown man that has a job that supports his mother and sister when he could be out partying or he could even be married. It doesn't like his mom but stays for the sake of his sister.
    The force that drives him is his taste for adventure. He is always wanting to travel but stays behind cause of his sister. His will to prosper in life also drives him but soon his taste for adventure gets the best of him and leaves his mother and sister.

  11. Amanda from The Glass Menagerie is very positive character. She is always in a good mindset. She very dedicated and loyal to her kids. But she takes care of her family and the house. She always is trying to create a conversation with then. She is always trying to get her Laura to get out and find a man to live with. She ends up getting her son Tom to get a man to come home and meet Laura. Which she got Laura and herself all dressed up for. Which turned out to be a big joke considering O'Connor was engaged. But Amanda kept a positive attitude.

    1. I agree, Amanda tries to be very loyal and dedicated to her kids. Throughout The Glass Menagerie it seems as if she is being ignorant and annoying; but that's the way she tries to raise Tom and Laura as a single parent. Just like any other parent, she wants the best for her kids.

  12. Amanda from the Glass Menagerie has a few positive attributes including her want for her children to have a good life. Amanda wants her children to be able to support themselves and live a good life. She was disappointed when Laura did not finish her schooling because she wanted Laura to be able to stand on her own. Amanda also wanted to find a husband for her daughter so she wouldn't have to support herself forever. Tom was to have a good job and help the family with financial needs so Amanda could focus on what Laura need to get accomplished so she could feel good about an accomplishment. You can tell that Amanda just wanted to help her children live happy lives.

  13. A character that has a lot of positive attributes would be Mr. O'conner. He has a very positive attitude about life. One of the main parts of the movie where he shows this is when he's telling Laura to to not be shy; be bold and outgoing. He tells her not to think of herself as 'crippled' just because she has a slight limp. In this scene he makes her feel important as an individual for the first time in het life. He's full of happiness and he's trying to spread it with other people through his outgoing and peppy personality.

  14. O'Conner from the glass menagerie is a character with many positive attributes. Jim O'Connor's Ambition for achieving success and he is a compassionate person. O'Conner is a shipping clerk at the warehouse, but he also thinks that in the future he can have a more professional career. During his time with Laura in the candlelight conversation, he shows much enthusiasm about what he wants to do with his career. Also during the conversation, he shows compassion towards Laura by boosting her confidence. He tells her that she is beautiful and basically that she should believe in herself. In the end, I think O'Connor's Compassion and ambition for success are what drives his character.

  15. I think that O'Connor from the Glass Managerie has many positive attributes. Even though things are sad or people are down he is always talkative and his spirits are up. Unlike Amanda who scouls every time someone mentions the fact that Laura isn't married or Tom is happy. I think Jim brings a good change to the play. He makes Laura see that she could be so happy is she would just step out of her comity zone and stop thinkin that everyone is judging her all the time. Jim O'Connor is a very positive character with many positive attributes.

    1. I tried to publish this last night but it kept shutting down on me so I just tired again this morning

  16. Tom Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie is driven by his will to experience the world and live his life. Although he has many downfalls, his positive attributes by far outweigh the negativity. The play clearly outlines that Tom is an intellectual fellow and loves to read and write. He is a man of great passion and he shows that through his words. He says, "Every time you come in yelling that Goddamn "Rise and Shine! Rise and Shine!" I say to myself, "How lucky dead people are!" But I get up. I go! For sixty-five dollars a month I give up all that I dream of doing and being ever! And you say self - self's all I ever think of. Why, listen, if self is what I though of, Mother, I'd be where he is GONE!". I admire his truthfulness and way with words.
